Wednesday, August 3, 2011

She's growing too fast!

Since we last checked in a lot of time has passed and many new things have happened! Our little girl is growing up so quickly!

This is from her arboretum pictures at 3 months

4 months:

- Weight: 16 lbs. 4 oz. 90-95th percentile

- Height: 26.5 in. > 97th percentile
- At 15 weeks Sloane started rolling over from her back to her tummy.

- At 17 weeks she started eating real food. We started with rice cereal. She was not a fan. I thought at first she was just struggling to learn the eating process, but after I switched to whole grain oats she ate as if she had been doing it all her life! I have been making her food which has turned out to be easier than I thought. So far she has tried sweet potatoes, butternut squash, avocado, peas, apples, bananas, pears, prunes & peaches. Her favorites are avocado, butternut squash, sweet potatoes and peas. I cannot get the girl to like fruits (except avocado)! Apparently she missed the memo that they are nature’s candy!

Hmmmm...not so sure about this cereal
Yummm! Much better!
Cutest little Easter bunny I have ever seen!
Easter dress... she wasn't as excited about this picture as I was

5 months
-Sloane started sitting up around week 23.
- At 24 weeks she went on her first out of state vacation to Beavers Bend, Oklahoma.
- She has started having a little stranger anxiety.
- She is drooling like a faucet
- She is not a big fan of the vacuum cleaner…oh darn.
-At 25 weeks she started getting up on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth. I think crawling is just around the corner!
First time in her play poolFirst time in the big pool. She loves swimming!
She LOVES jumping!
She still really enjoys bath time
Happy girl!
Sitting up! Big girl!
Look at those sweet cheeks! All four of them! What is it about baby heinies?
Swimming!! Mama had her picture taken in this chair about 28 years ago! We will have to find it!
6 months: half a year old wow!
-Weight: 18 lbs. 7 oz. 90th percentile
- Height: 29 in. > 99th percentile
-The doctor had to re-measure her height because she couldn’t believe how tall she was! She asked if we had noticed her being larger than other babies her age… and I almost snort laughed!
- She is rolling all over the place!
- She has started “military” crawling to get where she wants to go.
- She is able to sit herself up and she is so proud of it! - She is a “power napper” and takes four to five 30-45 minute naps a day.
- She goes to bed at 8:30 and wakes up between 7:30 & 8:30
- She takes four 7 ½ ounce bottles and eats three “meals” a day.
- She is wearing size 3 diapers
- She wears size 9-12 month clothes.
-Her favorite book right now is Snuggle Bunny she absolutely loves when the bunny puppet gives her sugars!
-Her favorite toys are Sophie and her jumpers. She is a jumping fool!

She loves her Sophie... I need to get a back up. She is already losing some of her spots.
She melts our heart!
Out at dinner this week with Papa & Talana
She loves her Papa! He thinks she's ok too ;)
I love Avocados!!!!

Sloane’s current weight is 19lbs 2.5oz. She is going to be starting daycare in a few weeks which I am very anxious about. I am so thankful she will be at one of my campuses so I will be able to peek in on her. She is such a happy and smiley little girl. We are so blessed to be her parents and her smile and sweet giggle reminds us of that every day.