Monday, September 26, 2011

8 months and growing

Sloane @ 6 months:
-Sits in a shopping cart like a big girl
-Moved crib mattress down
-Sitting in her big girl car seat
-Says “ba ba ba” & “bwah”
We visited Granny & Grandpa. Miss Ryleigh turned 3!
 Meeting her teacher Mrs. Terry! We LOVE her and all of the wonderful ladies at school!

 Sloane @ 7 months:
-Crawling (August 14th)
-Started daycare
-Say’s “da da da”
-First tooth cut through (August 17th)
- Pulling up and standing (August 21st)
-Say’s “ma ma ma”
- Had her first ear infection and cold. She was so tough!

First day of school!

First week of school

 She did so good at school. There were a few tears. Mostly Mama's. She loves her teacher Mrs. Terry and playing with her friends.

Sloane @ 8 months:
- Moved mattress down again… She is our tall girl!
- 2nd tooth cut through
- Feeds herself puffs
- Working hard on saying bye bye
-Her favorite toy right now is the Leap Frog play table. 
- New foods she is eating now include quinoa, lentils, green beans & whole wheat pasta. Although, her favorite is still avocado.
- She is wearing size 3 diapers
- She wears 12 -18 month clothing

College day at school!She heard the bigger the bow the more Aggie spirit!

Meghan, Lizzy & Lane came for a visit. It was great to see them!

I love these kiddos!

 They sure have grown in 7 months!
We love our sweet lady and we are enjoying how much she changes every day!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

6 month pictures

Here are a few of her 6 month photos.
This picture captures her so perfectly! I can just hear her saying "ooooh"

 I love how she looks so surprised to be standing! She is our big girl!