Wednesday, July 25, 2012

1 year - January

Sloane @ 1 year!
I cannot believe it has been a year since my sweet baby girl was born. What a wonderful year it has been! We have really enjoyed every moment and I look forward to what the next year holds. I never knew the amount of love my heart could hold until this year and I am so thankful for the journey that is parenting.

- Weight: 22 lbs. 3oz. 90th percentile
- Height: 32 in. > 100th percentile (I didn’t really think someone could be in 100th percentile but that is what our paperwork said)
-Still only 4 teeth
-She took her first big set of steps on her birthday (January 13th) and she hasn’t slowed down since. She is all over the place!
- She wears a size 4 diaper and 18-24 month clothes with the occasional 2T thrown in there.
- Still not much hair although it does seem to be coming in more now. I think the verdict is still out on what color it will be.The fact that she is still so bald makes me think it will be like my hair because I was the same way.
- Drinking whole milk out of a sippy cup!
- She is talking up a storm and she amazes me every day with how much she understands! Some of her favorite words right now are mama, dada, baby, banana, boat, dog, duck, cheese, shoes, pasta, brown bear, bow (I am so proud of that one :) teeth, nose, bath, star, wagon. She doesn’t really say any of these words very well yet but she sure tries. She is also working on saying her name so far all we’ve got is “lo”
- She LOVES her baby dolls! And she is such a good mama to them giving them their pacifier and loving on them. We cannot pass a picture of a baby without excitement, it makes going down the diaper aisle really fun…”bebe…bebe…bebe..bebe”. All the way down.
-She also really loves books and puzzles. She gets so excited when she puts the puzzle piece in the right place and looks expectedly at you, awaiting praise. If she gets stuck on a piece she will just go back to another piece she was successful with and do it again just so you will clap for her.
-She enjoys bath time and playing with all of her cups and boats. She comes running when she hears the water starting and leans over the side to splash around. She would climb right in if I would let her.
-She can show you where her head, teeth, ears, eyes and nose are although she would much rather point to yours which can be a bit risky.
-She is a BIG climber. She tries to climb out of the play area at daycare all of the time.
-  Favorite foods of the moment are yogurt, cheese, peas, pasta with pesto, butternut squash, bananas and mandarin oranges.
- She is a big fan of Matilda and petting her. She gets a kick out of touching her nose and letting Matilda lick her finger.
-She loves daycare and Mrs. Terry and Ms. Erica. She has fun with the other babies and really wants to love on them. They get to do so many fun projects!
- One of Mama’s favorite things is when she goes and grabs a book and comes to sit in your lap and read. I hope this never ends…. Well at least not for a while. That might be awkward at 18.
- She loves to go outside and play and ride in her wagon. As soon as the air and sun hit her face when we walk out of school she gets a huge smile.
- She is a shoe girl after my own heart. She likes to try mine on and was even walking around with one on yesterday.

 Sitting in the rocking that was G-Pa's

 ONE! Kristen made her a delicious cake!
 "Here Da-Da isn't it yummy!"

 Those eyes!
 She is just so beautiful!
 Mmmmmm! Yum!

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe how fast time goes. Loved her 1 year pictures, she is beautiful! Maybe at 18 she won't sit in your lap, but still enjoy a good book with you :) haha that wouldn't be so awkward.
